After the DUI: Next Steps in Georgia

If you are arrested for a DUI in Georgia, you need to know this: You only have 30 days to take action and keep your driving privileges.
After an arrest, an officer will issue you a 45-day driver permit. During this time, you must choose to appeal the suspension or apply for ignition interlock. Either way, the paperwork for both actions must be filled out within 30 days of the arrest. If no action is taken, the license will be suspended after the 45-day permit expires.
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Option One: An Administrative License Suspension (ALS) Hearing
At this hearing, a defense attorney can argue for your driving rights. A hearing officer and Administrative Law Judge will evalute the facts of your case and decide if an administrative suspension is warranted. If you decide to apply for a hearing, you will not be eligible for option two.
Option Two: Ignition Interlock Driver License Permit (IIDLP)
If you decide to apply for the IIDLP, you must pay a $25 permit fee, surrender your license and waive your right to a hearing. The ignition interlock device must be installed in your vehicle within 10 days of the issuance of your permit. The device requires monthly monitoring, plus installation and removal fees. Even if your case is resolved while using the interlock device, you will remain on this Ignition Interlock device for the full 12 month contract period.
Not everyone is eligible for the ignition interlock. Here are the requirements:
- Over the age of 21 by 30-days post-arrest.
- Possess a valid Georgia Driver’s License (So, no out-of-state, revoked, expired or suspended licenses.)
- The arrest may not include traffic fatalities or injuries.
- You have no other DUIs in the past 5 years.
Figuring out what to do in just 30 days after an arrest is stressful. Our job is to guide you through the process and discuss what option would be best in your case. If you have questions about your Georgia driving privileges after an arrest, contact us as soon as possible.