GACDL DUI Bootcamp

Ashley Schiavone spoke for the second time at The Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (GACDL) DUI Bootcamp. The boot camp is an annual professional development seminar for Georgia lawyers beginning to practice DUI law and for those who have been practicing in that field for years. The seminars cover topics related to both the intricate details and the practical aspects of DUI defense, including cross examination, jury selection, DDS (Department of Driver Services) updates, DUI intake and case management, drug recognition, field sobriety evaluations and more.

Ms. Schiavone has attended a number of times since she passed the bar in 2008. This was her second time as a featured speaker. In 2017, Ms. Schiavone spoke on Administrative License Suspension hearings. (This is the hearing where a decision is made about a person’s ability to drive after a DUI.)  

DUI Case Law

This year, Ms. Schiavone gave a lecture on DUI Case law updates. This was a comprehensive review of the most important new cases and how they affect DUI defense. You can read more about some of these recent changes on our blog.

In addition to speaking, Ms. Schiavone was able to attend many of the seminars. One of her favorites was presented by Suesan Miller. She is a talented DUI defense lawyer in Henry County, Georgia. She held what is called a “wet lab.” That means, she invited volunteer subjects come in and get dosed to certain blood alcohol levels. Then, an actual Henry County police officer performed actual field sobriety evaluations with them. This gave attendees a chance to break down field sobriety evaluations in a very real and interactive way.

Ms. Schiavone also enjoyed learning some helpful tips from DUI defense lawyer Manal Chehimi about opening case files. She also offered some tricks of the trade for managing client relations.  


Dui bootcamp with Ashley Schiavone.Arrested for DUI? Call Ashley Schiavone for Advice

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Georgia, know your rights. Your best bet is to hire a lawyer that has experience and knows the law. Ashley Schiavone can take a look at your case and determine if there are ways your charges can be reduced or whether your case can be tried in court.  

Call 770-578-2344 Right Now