Know Your Rights with Body Cameras

If you are arrested for a DUI in Georgia, you may notice an officer wearing a camera. In Georgia, and across the United States, more and more police officers are required to use body-worn cameras when they interact with the public.

Law enforcement departments list several reasons why they are adopting body cameras: officer safety, evidence quality, and public perception (complaints and liability.) Videos create more transparency between law enforcement and the public. But, the video can also be used as evidence in court proceedings.  

Know Your Rights

If you are pulled over, here are some things to remember regarding body-worn cameras:

  1. Be aware. If you are pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence, it is important to keep in mind that the officer could be recording. Whatever you do and say can be caught on video, so you should avoid saying anything incriminating. If the officer asks you if you have been drinking, you can decline to answer the question politely.
  2. You have access to the video. There are laws in Georgia to protect access and retention of body camera video. In most cases, the video is available by making a public record request. There is also a law that requires the police department to hold on to video for 180 days. If it is used for an investigation or police complaint, it must be retained for 30 months.
  3. Video can help your case. If you are arrested for a DUI in Georgia, your lawyer should gain access to the video as soon as possible. The video can provide details that your lawyer can use to build your defense.


Know your rights with body cameras. Call Ashley Schiavone for guidance.Arrested for DUI? Call Ashley Schiavone for Advice

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Georgia, know your rights with body cameras. Your best bet is to hire a lawyer that has experience and knows how to use body-camera evidence to help your case. Ashley Schiavone can take a look at your case and determine if there are ways your charges can be reduced or whether your case can be tried in court.

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