The Georgia DUI Case Law App is Now Live!

The Georgia DUI Case Law App gives users access to DUI case law in Georgia from an experienced defense lawyer, Ashley Schiavone. It was created using information from Ms. Schiavone’s book, Defending DUI: A Case Outline.

The Georgia DUI Case Law App has been a passion project. For several years, Ashley Schiavone published new editions of her book. One day her friend and fellow lawyer Matt Hirsch called. He had purchased several editions in the past and wanted to know why there were not any recent updated versions. She told him that she lost her publisher. That is when Matt told her it would make a great App! So, a collaboration was born!

Easy to Use

This App is an easy-to-use, quick reference guide for various issues that arise in DUI cases. It can be used by anyone that practices DUI law, whether it is defense or prosecution. You could be a practicing lawyer, support staff, law student, or just simply curious about one of the most complex areas of Georgia DUI law. This App can point you to the most up to date, pertinent, and relevant DUI cases decided in the State of Georgia. This includes cases on issues ranging from Reasonable Articulable Suspicion and Search and Seizure to Roadblocks and Implied Consent.

The app covers all significant areas of DUI. It also indicates if cases are defense, prosecution, or neutral friendly cases. It can be used at Administrative License Hearings, Motion Hearings, Plea Hearings and trials. It is a product of many years of collecting, reading and outlining DUI case law as it comes down from higher courts. With this app you can share the outline of cases with your colleagues. You can search for cases online to see them in their entirety. And the app will continue to be updated as case law changes.

Whether you are researching law to help your case, or you need to quickly find authority to support your position, or if you just want to learn, the App is designed for quick navigation both inside and outside the courtroom.

The Georgia DUI case law appGet the App Here

You’ll love the Georgia DUI Case Law App! Not only for its thoroughness, but also its simplicity and ease of use.